Blog Posts

Blog Posts
Hilla AutoCrud with MongoDB

Since version 2.5 of the Hilla framework, the CrudService<T, ID> interface is available for the AutoCrud component. This allows data to be created, read, updated and deleted in a non-JPA-based database, such as MongoDB.

Blog Posts
Special characteristics of JVM flags in container environments

JVM flags for heap memory come with a few surprises when used for applications running in containers. Thoughtless use can easily allocate too little or too much memory.

Blog Posts
Hilla with Keycloak and the Authorization Code Flow of OAuth 2.0

Authentication and role-based authorization for Hilla web apps can be easily implemented, for example in conjunction with Keycloak and the Authorization Code Flow of OAuth 2.0.

Blog Posts
Presentations with slidev

The lectures and courses that I give as a lecturer or trainer are tailored to the respective target group, but also have a large overlap in terms of content. With slidev, presentations for different target groups can be created very easily with common content.

Blog Posts
Hilla AutoGrid with MongoDB

Since version 2.5 of the Hilla framework, the ListService interface is available for the AutoGrid component. This allows data to be read from a non-JPA-based database, like MongoDB, for example.

Blog Posts
Post-Setup for create-expo-app

In lectures and courses, I very often create sample projects in which I like to use the support of a linter and code formatter. For this purpose, I have created a small shell script that performs a number of useful tasks after a new Expo app has been created.